We believe that experience is an important criterion in building construction & consultancy. However, validity of any experience is subjected to qualification. The fact of civil engineering which I do not know I can never be experience on this. Hence, experience never is an alternative of qualification. Other than enough study on a technology to try to achieve experience on it and to try to sale this experience is unethical.

We are committed to green technologies in civil engineering which serve the client’s with economy, safety, and reduction of wastage of natural resources. We believe that optimum materials and effective use of modern technology can give the economy and safety of building construction. Maximum use of maximum or optimum material with classical technology never can give the safety or economy.

Safety does not mean psychological satisfaction through to create another example of unspecified deign or violation of building code. Economy means optimization of cost construction through use of the best technology & best materials under consultancy of highly qualified consultant. Hence, safety or economy never is ensured with a lot of experience based on illiteracy and through maximization of construction cost.

Whatever is true is true while nobody supports it and whatever is wrong is definitely wrong while everybody support it. Technology always can determine which is true or wrong and this is our philosophical ethics in the profession of building consultancy.